Is Taylor Swift going to help Selena Gomez out on a revenge song about Justin
Bieber? The internet is buzzing about Justin’s new song “What Do You
Mean,” which he basically revealed was about his ex-girlfriend Selena and
hinted that she was “flip-floppy” in a recent interview with Ryan
Seacrest. Selena and Justin were recently hooking up again, but had a falling
out when it was revealed that she was still hanging out with Orlando Bloom
behind Justin’s back. So, they aren’t exactly on good terms at the moment.
The old Selena Gomez might have let Justin’s passive-aggressive comments and diss song slide,
but the new and improved SelGo is not having it. According to various reports,
she is currently working on a revenge song about Biebs in retaliation to his
song “What Do You Mean.” And, who better to help her out with a revenge song
than her BFF Taylor Swift. Not only is Taylor Swift basically
the Queen of break-up songs and revenge songs, but she also despises Selena’s
ex-boyfriend Justin Bieber – so Taylor is more than happy to lend a hand.
At this point, all Selena and Justin’s feud is doing is
making them millions of dollars richer. Both revenge songs are set to be a huge
success, and Selena’s will be a force to be reckoned with if Taylor Swift accompanies
her on the vocals. Hey maybe they can even do another “Bad Blood” themed music video and
some celebrity guests to help them throw some shade at Biebs. Selena and Taylor
shouldn’t have any trouble finding volunteers to star in the diss video.
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