Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Guys Please Don't Ask a Girl These 5 Questions On A First Date

First dates are awkward already. The fact that you’ll be meeting a somewhat stranger for the first time in an intimate setting is already weird enough. We definitely don’t want to complicate things and make it more uncomfortable by asking silly annoying questions, or questions that quite frankly just cross the line.

1. What Do You Do For Fun? 

Yes I know, it’s an easy conversation starter, blah blah blah, but it’s also very unoriginal. Asking me what I do for fun is like asking me what I eat. It all depends on the day and the moment. No one really expects to me to list all the things I do for fun do they? So I give them the standard answer, “I’m open to anything fun.”

2. What Kind Of Guys Do You Like?

So what if by some chance I end up describing a guy that’s the complete opposite of the guy I’m on a date with. Is that wrong? Would that be mean? That’s how I feel when a guy asks me that question. It’s like a set up. So if I’m on a date with a 9-5 guy and he asks me this question, I’ll just tell him I typically prefer drugs boys, and 19 guys. Maybe that’ll make him feel better.

Tips--- Don’t ask question you don’t want to hear the answer to.

3. Why Are You Single?

*Takes a deep breathUhmmm.. Why are YOU single? People are single for one or two reasons. The last person they dated was a jerk, or they haven’t found the right person. It’s like asking why is the sky blue? It just is. It’s such an annoying question, yet it’s so common on first dates. You wouldn’t believe the number of people that ask this question. Maybe out of nothing else to ask. Standard answer next time? I’m single because I’m not in a relationship.

4. When Last Did You Have Sex?

Talk about crossing the line. I was on a date with this guy one time, and we were really enjoying ourselves, talking laughing, and there I was thinking “this might be the start of something special”, and then he just blurted out, “When last did you get some?” Excuse me. Just cos I’m laughing with you doesn’t mean you can just cross the line like that. It’s definitely not a first date question, and sends out the signals that you’re after one thing. I mean what if I’m a virgin. That’s just inappropriate, and needless to say

5. What Went Wrong Between You and Your Ex?

This is one of those questions again where someone is crossing the line for a first date. Do you really expect me to sit and tell you all about my last relationship? C'mon we are not in a cinema, It’s annoying already bringing up any kind of ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend topic, but to take it a step further to ask what went wrong is just invasive and quite frankly pretty lame and makes you a looser. some people might still ask naively, but it’s not a good idea. Standard response -- “nothing went wrong”, and sit back and enjoy that confused look on their face.

Do i sound bitter? but sincerely ladies thinking about these annoying questions makes such dates only a trial period lol.. what are the most annoying questions ADD Yours

Courtesy of: delsulinks


  1. However,I don't think any reasonable guy can ask all these questions.

    1. Hmmm.....are you sure? Naive ones will
