The man who died of EBOLA virus attack at a private hospital in Obalande area of Lagos has been confirmed to be an American-Liberian citizen. He Was Traveling To The US For Daughter's Birthday.
The Ebola victim who sparked fears that a historic outbreak of the disease could spread globally was an American citizen, it has been revealed.

Patrick Sawyer died after becoming noticeably ill on a flight from Liberia in West Africa, where the worst ever outbreak of Ebola is gathering pace, to the city of Lagos in Nigeria.
His case sparked alarm across the globe because he was able
to board an international flight while carrying the incurable disease –
potentially infecting other passengers who could fly across the world in a
nightmare scenario for health experts.
Patrick Sawyer, 40, was due to return home to Coon Rapids, Minnesota, in August.
Patrick Sawyer, 40, was due to return home to Coon Rapids, Minnesota, in August.
But his death in Lagos, Africa’s most populous city, has
health workers scrambling to trace those who may have been exposed to him
across West Africa, including flight attendants and fellow passengers.
His devastated wife, Decontee Sawyer, 34, shudders when she thinks how close Sawyer came to returning home to the States for his daughters’ birthdays carrying the dreaded virus.
His devastated wife, Decontee Sawyer, 34, shudders when she thinks how close Sawyer came to returning home to the States for his daughters’ birthdays carrying the dreaded virus.
‘It’s a global problem because Patrick could’ve easily come
home with Ebola,’ Decontee said. ‘Easy. Easy. It’s close, it’s at our front
door. It knocked down my front door.’
The risk of travelers contracting Ebola is considered low because it requires direct contact with bodily fluids or secretions such as urine, blood, sweat or saliva, experts say. Ebola can’t be spread like flu through casual contact or breathing in the same air.
The risk of travelers contracting Ebola is considered low because it requires direct contact with bodily fluids or secretions such as urine, blood, sweat or saliva, experts say. Ebola can’t be spread like flu through casual contact or breathing in the same air.
Patients are contagious only once the disease has progressed
to the point they show symptoms, according to the WHO. And the most vulnerable
are health care workers and relatives who come in much closer contact with the
Still, witnesses say Sawyer, a 40-year-old Liberian Finance
Ministry employee en route to a conference in Nigeria, was vomiting and had
diarrhea aboard at least one of his flights with some 50 other passengers
aboard. Ebola can be contracted from traces of feces or vomit, experts say.
Sawyer was immediately quarantined upon arrival in Lagos – a
city of 21 million people – and Nigerian authorities say his fellow travelers
were advised of Ebola’s symptoms and then were allowed to leave. The incubation
period can be as long as 21 days, meaning anyone infected may not fall ill for
several weeks.
Health officials rely on ‘contact tracing’ – locating anyone
who may have been exposed, and then anyone who may have come into contact with
that person.
That may prove impossible, given that other passengers
journeyed on to dozens of other cities.
Sawyer, who worked for the Liberian Finance Ministry married his wife Decontee in December 2008, in Coon Rapids.
Sawyer, who worked for the Liberian Finance Ministry married his wife Decontee in December 2008, in Coon Rapids.
The couple, who both hold US citizenship are originally from
Liberia and Decontee arrived in the country with her family in 1991 and Patrick
came in the early 2000s.
The couple are part of the large Liberian community in
Minnesota, who moved there in the aftermath of the nation’s two civil wars in
the 1980s and late 1990s.
His job had taken him back to West Africa to promote
economic development there and he was last in the United States in September
said Decontee to the Pioneer Press.
His long absences away from home had become common and
before he boarded the plane to Lagos last week he had been caring for a sister
who was ill with what was revealed to be Ebola, although according to Decontee,
he and his family did not know that at the time.
Decontee learned he was ill with Ebola on Thursday and then
on Friday she was told her husband of six years had passed away from the virus.
Distraught, Decontee said that she had come forward to share
her husband’s fate so that the public can understand how quickly the virus can
‘Patrick was coming here. What if he still wasn’t displaying
symptoms yet and came?’ Sawyer asked, according to the Pioneer Press.
‘He could have brought Ebola here. Someone else could bring
Ebola here.’
Health experts say it is unlikely Sawyer could have infected others with the virus that can cause victims to bleed from the eyes, mouth and ears.
Still, unsettling questions remain: How could a man whose sister recently died from Ebola manage to board a plane leaving the country?
And worse: Could Ebola become the latest disease to be spread by international air travel?
Health experts say it is unlikely Sawyer could have infected others with the virus that can cause victims to bleed from the eyes, mouth and ears.
Still, unsettling questions remain: How could a man whose sister recently died from Ebola manage to board a plane leaving the country?
And worse: Could Ebola become the latest disease to be spread by international air travel?
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