Saturday, June 7, 2014

Ronaldo's Knee Injury: Ghanaian Witch-doctor Gets Attacked!

Remember some days ago, we brought you a report here that an acclaimed Ghanaian witch doctor by the name- Kwaku Bonsam, claimed he used his magical powers to inflict a knee injury on Portugues born Football star, Cristiano Ronaldo to prevent him from playing for Portugal in the upcoming Ghana vs Portugal FIFA world cup match with in Brazil next week. If you missed the report, check it HERE.

In a recent development, a popular Ghanaian columnist has swung in to slam Bonsam for his unverifiable claims...which can be found below:


Written by: Tawia Acheampong

….I am expecting Appiah and Ghanaian officials to debunk this report and disgrace this self-styled magician – unless Bonsam really is the Black Star’s ‘spiritual advisor’ as he has previously boasted. If this is the case, Ghana deserves nothing more than the ridicule and perhaps reprimand that will accompany such superstitious garbage.

It is most unfortunate that international media have picked up on the narcissistic ramblings of a Ghanaian spiritualist who evidently prefers enriching his own coffers and embellishing his own name to the wellbeing and reputation of his nation. I am referring to Nana Kwaku Bonsam, touted to be Ghana’s foremost spiritualist, who haphazardly decided to besmirch Ghana’s name before the eyes of the world by claiming his ‘devilish powers’ are behind the current injury of Portugal star and arguably the world’s best player, Cristiano Ronaldo.

According to reports, Bonsam claims to have conjured a special powder from his gods which was placed around an image and caricature of Ronaldo, rendering his present injury untreatable by conventional medics and leaving his World Cup hopes tattered.

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