Wednesday, May 14, 2014

My Memorable Quotes for The Week

Below are some of my personal quotes that will help you in life no matter your present situation. Read, memorize and put them to use and watch out. Find them below:

“financial success is not just about hardwork, it takes right mind, right friends, right environment and right time to become financially successful in life”

“The wisdom of yesterday is the stupidity of today”

“Failure is common to every successful person in life, and the number of failures one encounter in life determines the degree of one’s success”

“The more difficult it is to achieve, the bigger it is that will be achieved”

“When everything is going so smooth for you in life, expect a heavy rainy day ahead”

“Don’t help to push someone to the top of the ladder while sitting at the ladder base, instead climb up first and help drag them up else they will be looking down on you as a nodowell when you push them up the ladder while at the bottom”

“Help more people become successful and you will never be poor”

“Behind every successful person, there is many unsuccessful years”

“the best time to start any goal is NOW”

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