Saturday, May 31, 2014

Cheating Alert: Is Beyonce Secretly Dating Her Bodyguard? [Photos]

Recall the not-so-long fight Jay Z had with Beyonce's younger sister, Solange...hmmmm....we also learnt exclusively that Queen Bey and Jay haven't found it so easy handling their relationship, as it is rumored that their relationship is filled with bottle breaking, bad namecalling, yelling and screaming, which we also learnt were usually as a result of cheating allegations and suspicions from both partners....

And as things unfolds, we have also learnt that Jay Z is beginning to feel jealous of the closeness Beyonce is having with her bodyguard, Julius (a divorcee with a kid) recently...and the fears are getting so intense by the day. Anyway, picture speaks more than words as you can see, there is a likely attraction going on between the two genders I am staring at their pictures above...or can't you see? Lol...#runsoutoftheblog......

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