Saturday, March 15, 2014

Men, See How To Win Every Woman's Heart- By Ashionye Raccah

Musical Artiste, Ashionye is a happily married lady and has a doting husband, which makes her qualified to issue relationship advice, even though what works for one person may not work for the other, but some tips might help sha…

So read her tips to having a happy union after the page jump…

"I decided to write this because I believe a lot of men over time and maybe after years with their spouses or partners tend to relax and take for granted those little things they did to put a smile on that spouse’s face. Then when I hear a man complain about how his spouse has changed, I ask myself what he did to contribute to this. What can he do to remedy the situation?

You see, it is pretty simple. When a good woman loves a man, nothing else really matters and everything else is an addition. When a good woman loves a man, she would go to the ends of the earth to be with him whether he is well to do or not. When a good woman loves a man she would do anything to show him and keep him. If you noticed I said ‘a good woman’ because these days it could be a bit of an exercise to find a good woman. But that’s me digressing.

Now I don’t claim to be an expert but from a woman’s standpoint, I think a lot of relationships these days, suffer due to lack of the basics. What are the basics you ask? In the words of India Arie, It’s those little things and the joy they bring. Here are some tips that I believe will be helpful to men (and women alike).

A) The Listener: Nothing beats having your spouse listen to you when you talk about things like a stressful day at work, how long you spent in traffic on the way back home or even to your most boring stories. Giving her a listening ear shows that you are still there and that you care.

B) Spontaneity: Every woman likes a man who does the 'unexpected' and I don’t mean in a negative way. I mean things like buying her a nice gift or flowers occasionally without waiting for an anniversary or a birthday to do so. It doesn’t have to be an expensive gift all the time. It’s the thought that counts.
You might even consider surprising her by cooking dinner while she pops her feet up because she has been handling both her duties at work and at home and deserves a day off. If you are not a good cook, my advice would be to take her out to dinner. You don’t want her waking up in the middle of the night to fix herself a sandwich because she ate very little of your ‘over salted’ food with a smile just so she wouldn’t hurt your feelings.

C) Thank you: We all like to hear the words, ‘Thank you’. It shows we are appreciated for making efforts and doing something right. Try saying ‘Thank you for being there’ or ‘thank you for loving me’ or even ‘Thank you for taking care of our home and kids’ occasionally and meaning it. This shows how much she means to you and how much you appreciate her and her contributions to your family and home. Trust me it goes a long way; a lot more than you think.

D) A kiss and a hug: Sometimes, you don’t need words to express how you feel. Do it with a kiss and a hug. Enough said!

E) PDA: A little PDA (public display of affection) never killed anyone. So don’t be shy to show your love for your woman even in public. Doing so tells her you are not afraid to show the world how you feel about her even after years together.

F) Sex/Lovemaking: I have heard some men; including some of my single male friends say they can’t imagine having sex with one woman for the rest of their lives. To this, I say BULLSHIT!! If a woman can make 'sex' with you work for the rest of her live than why shouldn’t you? If you loved your woman enough to marry her, you should love her enough to respect her and keep your ‘little man’ committed to her alone. Sex was made to be fun and enjoyable for the two people involved especially when there is love. Find new and exciting ways to add magic to your sex life and you won’t get bored.
And there you have it; my few tips.

They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. I say the way to a woman’s heart is through her heart. So guys, if you remember how you WON that woman’s heart the first time, don’t be afraid to do it all over and over again; and even better."


  1. Ok so pls I need who I can practice al dis with frm u so am waiting 4 her

  2. It would have been nicer if you gave credit to the original blog in which she actually guest posted for exclusively
