Friday, October 11, 2013

Kemi Olunloyo Attacks Bianca Ojukwu For Insulting 2Face Idibia's Wife, Annie!

Kemi posted an interview excerpt she had with 2face Idibia back in 2006, and she praised 2Face for sticking with Annie Macaulay irrespective of everything.

On that same post, some people disagreed with Kemi's praise of 2Face and then Kemi replied them in her usual way, saying:

Annie just read this thread and she was not happy with u ppl. Same as when they were given a car and u wonder why celebrities in Nigeria don't relate to fans on a personal level like I do as a Journalist

Along the line, Bianca Ojukwu, the wife of late Ikemba Nnewi entered the show (in 2Face's Kemi began to post different messages claiming Bianca Ojukwu was the one commenting on her posts attacking Annie Idibia....hehe, this lady seem to have a personal ish with lady Bianca, lol.

Let me stop here to avoid entering the show too...just read Kemi's messages directed to Bianca below:

Im gonna deal with Bianca Ojukwu so seriously this year. I have officially banned you from this page. How dare you comment on Annie Macaulay Idibia calling her first PREGNANCY names. So she lost the first child with Tuface. My post was about Tuface's intv and she will be reading this. Bitch, not only did you lie about FFK, you got pregnancy for him twice and miscarried the first one too. I find it very hard for Madam Ambassador to criticize a woman who lost a baby when it happened to you and you were was so low to KILL the next one yourself. Your second pregnancy for FFK was aborted. Get off my page liar and fraud and tell your fans that Im not a divorcee, never been married. I still have room for my pussy to be tasted by a HUSBAND. For you, NO MORE marriage or husband or you lose all the Ojukwu currency.

For the Nigerian morons I just banned permanently, sit down and watch. Many of you still on my page are complete fools. When Bianca was commenting on y thread last night, you saw her account. it is in all your blogs. When she was commenting in my Tuface post your ass was somewhere else. Annie was tagged in that post. Im not showing you no damn comment. If your ass was watching you would have seen it. Now she has been banned only me can see it. This prostitute beauty queen wife of a warlord has been harrassing me since I spoke out of her 2 pregnancies with FFK. She needs to stop. I got 11 emails last night from Abuja politicians telling me to deal with her seriously. She has not only insulted Annie but every woman who lost a child.

For you Igbos that I banned, stop calling her a queen. She is not from any royalty. She's a liar and fraud that prolly killed her husband. For someone that the whole of University of Nssukka had sex with and was fucking an old classmate when Ojukwu was on his death bed, I cant relate. For some of u morons asking me why Im angry at her, go read your news. U are fucking behind and need to be dealt with.

Bianca is a FRAUD from Biafraud

Now, I am very convinced that Ms Kemi is really on to something crazy....may God help her

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