Thursday, October 10, 2013

“I am scared of menopause” – Genevieve Nnaji Confided In A Friend!

To so many Nigerian single ladies, Genevieve Nnaji is one of their strongest role model and inspiration when the pressure to get married becomes just too unbearable, many find solace in the fact that Genevieve Nnaji of all people, despite her beauty, money and fame is still single and not worred….and with Genny’s revelation a few days ago that she doesn’t give a damn that she is single in fact she is cool with it, which sparked up arguments online, and also consoled many Nigerian single ladies who maybe getting frustrated with their spinsterhood.

But unfortunately, we have found the truth that Genny has not only been lying to her fans alone but to herself too. Pathetic right? Read on….

Our blog crew was able to find the truth from an insider who happens to be a close friend to Genny, whom she confessed her fears to. Yes, I know what’s going on in your mind right now, “never trust a friend”, and that’s the truth about life. The insider didn’t only reveal that Genevieve Nnaji is scared of menopause but that she has been secretly visiting some dating site; are you surprised? 

Our insider also said that Genny cries herself to bed every night, fast and prays begging for a good man to come and marry her…DBanj why why why?

Finally, our insider said that Genny regretted ever breaking up with Dbanj; that if she had known she would have stayed with him irrespective of his promiscuous lifestyle.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmmm.... hope she gets back with Dbanj
