Sunday, February 24, 2013

Reasons Why So Many Relationships & Marriages Are Failing Nowadays

It is so disheartening how relationships and marriages fail so rapidly nowadays to the extent that I keep wondering why the involved parties made the decision to date or marry in the first place. You see a relationship started today failing just after two or three months of courting, and you see a marriage you thought would be forever sweet ending in less than five years of walking to the altar, and you keep wondering why all these failures in today relationships and marriages? Anyway, in this very write-up, I have compiled a lists of the possible reasons today relationships and marriages fail, and it is to help readers look inward into their lives and make proper adjustments before entering into a relationship or marriage.

Find out the reasons why so many relationships and marriages are failing nowadays after the page cut below...
1.       Modern Media Misconception: today Medias (TV, Magazines, Radio, Music, Internet, etc) are not helping relationships and marriages at all. They give people the wrong impression about relationship and marriage; they promote women as sex objects, and men as financial box. Our media no longer frown at immorality and waywardness, they instead encourage it as a welcome way of life so long as it’s bringing in paper called money, why? A television programme will publicly endorse infidelity and unfaithfulness in the name of making money. Actresses showcase indecency both in dressing and flirting with men, and actors womanize and do all sort of sexually immoral acts in the name of acting film and the world keeps celebrating it as the best.
Musical artistes can no longer sing or shoot a musical video without having to fill the environment with half naked and naked girls dancing around as if it’s a sex orgy party, and so go as far as indulging in erotic scenes in the name of making a musical video to make money, and we still expect a sane world? Media (TV, music, movie, and now internet) are the shapers of every society, so whatever they endorse, stands.
2.       People date and marry for the wrong reasons: I don’t need to stress much on this, because we all know the obvious truth here. Media has misled the entire womenfolk, making them to believe that what makes a man is money, and hence, they only go after men with money irrespective of his personality and character, and on the other hand, same media have made men to believe that women are sex objects that are only good for sexual satisfaction.
In order words, most women of today no longer go for true companionship, because they believe that what makes a woman and a man to be companions in date or marriage is highly dependent on how much the man has to offer or spend, and for that, most go for guys with money to meet their insatiable needs of- latest modern wears (clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc, etc), and in turn, the men go for physically pretty ladies they believe would offer them the best sex while they meet her material needs as either a boyfriend or husband.

Now, tell me, how do you expect a guy who is dating a girl just because of her physical beauty alone to hang on for long when it is obvious that physical beauty of all humans fail? This is why most men cheat; because they are looking for forever everyday super-beautiful woman, which is impossible, they end up looking for alternatives when they notice a slight physical change in their woman’s physique, which is also the reason women are now so fake- artificial hair, nails, breast and ass implants, complexion, and most times fake accent just to appear beautiful and stay in the beauty competition.

Again, how do we expect a man who knows that a woman is dating or married to him just because he is providing her financial needs to take that woman serious? Women are not supposed to be dating or marrying for money no matter how we look at it, it is totally wrong! Money is something that can come and go at any time, so why must a woman base her love on money?

This is what makes so many celebrity marriages to fail- the celebrity guys date the celebrity ladies just for their physical beauty, while the celebrity ladies date or marry the celebrity guys just for the money and fame, and when each party get enough of that lustful desires of money and sex they craved for, they get tired of each other and start looking at the real things: character and personality, and if they fail to meet their desires, it is then that you see them separating, breaking up and divorcing without looking back.

In order words, if people marry for the right priorities- companionship and compatibility based on their partner’s habits, character, likes, dislikes, hobbies, interests, etc, believe me, there would have been more than 90% happy relationships and marriages world over.

Readers’ Not:
If you are a lady and you are single, please do not base your love or attention on money and material possessions, it is so wrong no matter your reason or reasons. Believe me, if you enter into a relationship or marriage just because the guy is rich and had been spending so much money on you, you will live to regret it and definitely that man will wake up one day and see you as his enemy, and by then, he would have no other option than to either- breakup with you or start going out with other women. Every man wants a woman who just love them, cherish their ways, and not just a woman who cherishes them because they provide for her financially because there are thousand other men out there with more money than him to equally spend on you, that’s why it is wrong. Date or marry him because you like everything about him even when he doesn’t have money or when for instance, his money and fame is totally removed from him.

And for the guys, dating a girl or marrying her just because of her physical beauty is so wrong because her beauty can never remain forever no matter the enhancements. And if you marry a girl just because she is beautiful, believe me, before you hit age 50, you would have divorced and married at least 3 wives and maybe 20 concubines because there will always be a prettier woman out there. But if you marry her because her likes, dislikes, hobbies, interests, character, habits, dreams, vision, etc, you will see yourself loving her more and more as days rolls by no matter how ugly she may grow up to be, and that was why most marriages stood the test of time in the past unlike today. Please let’s all get it right, God bless us all, and do have a lovely Sunday!

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