
Friday, January 25, 2013

How To Use Unripe Plantain to Cure Stomach Ulcer- My Personal Experience!

I first published this homemade treatment for stomach ulcer in 2011 on hubpages, and since I published it, it has helped so many people who came across it on hubpages, and they also wrote me personally via email to say thank you.

So I have decided to re-publish it here to assist those who didn't had the opportunity to come across my initial publication on hubpages, so enjoy as I wish you and your loved ones suffering this painful ailment a quick recovery.

Health is wealth and wealth is wealth. it is the most priceless gift any one can get in life. If I am not healthy, I don’t think I would be here on Hubpages today writing the things that makes me happy, even though I don’t earn from it, yet I would love to make a living through my writings; dual nature that we humans seem to possess, making us seem comparable to waves.

Many of us have not come to appreciate this precious gift that God Almighty has given us today, to be alive and not just being alive, but to be healthy without much health complications though many believe only in science.

I remember when I was 15 or so, and I was struck by a very deadly sickness that almost took my precious life away from this earth, but I asked God for just one thing, and that thing I asked God for, was another chance to live healthy again, and this we (I and God) sealed as a deal (so funny I know, how man can make a deal with God).

What was our deal, you may ask? That I would sing for him in the church choir, as one of his choristers in church, if he gives me this opportunity to live a full life again, so desperate I was, I agreed, deal sealed. A good Christian may call this a covenant either, and a psychologist may call it a sub-conscious reasoning but I prefer to call it a deal. This proved one significant thing to me, God truly exists, please don’t doubt it, believe it today.

To my family members' astonishment, including my loving mom, I started recovering without further medications, as usual, when all hope was lost, funeral arrangements waiting to be made, but in a very sad manner, what an untimely death if it happened, many thought in their inner minds. But only me knew the secret that I was going to be all right.

Before a weeks' time, I recovered from the sick bed, and became healthy again. Glory be to God! But too bad of me, I never joined the choir as promised, and whenever I think of this, fear overcomes my joy, but God is so merciful, especially to poor sinners like me, he still continued to guide me all through my life till date.

Let us put aside the long story and face our topic, what was it again…oh I forgot, how to cure stomach ulcer yourself using a natural fruit, without visiting or patronizing any doctor. Yes it is real. Remember, natural herbs and leaves were what our forefathers used in treating themselves of all illnesses, and guess what? Most of them lived up to the age of 130 years healthy life, unlike us now. My paternal grandfather died at the ripe age of 119 while his wife died at 118, this was in 1984 and 1991 respectively.

And my maternal granny died at 105, even though my mother said she was 120+, and she was still healthy when she died. Because I visited her in her little home, last Sunday the 22nd of march, being mothering Sunday worldwide, for Anglicans, before she died, and she was sounding so lively, as she asked me several questions about school, and some old folks that died since the time I can not even tell.

The most funny of it all, she asked me to dash her some money, I wondered what she needed this money for, but finally, I did, at least to make her happy, even though I knew she won’t use it for anything, imprisoning a fruitful note (lol). But she still feels like earning some money herself, haha…what an industrious woman.

Now before I start my little lecture on how to cure a stomach ulcer yourself, what is stomach ulcer? Please I would love to make a point here, mind you, I am not a medical doctor, neither am I a health expert, but all I know is that I have got a reliable, tested way of curing a stomach ulcer without modern drugs. And I have used this method to cure myself and so many other people here in my small country.

Stomach ulcer is a wound or sore on the intestine, which is normally caused by excessive gastric acid content in the stomach (or more well, intestine), causing a serious pain in the patients’ stomach. The pains grew more severe when the patient go empty stomach for a long time, may be 5 hours, 6 hours or so.

It is a very painful condition, which I cannot just explain in detail here, but the patients alone knows how painful an ulcer could be. It could make you want to take your own life, but please, don’t let that come into your head, I have brought a reliable solution for you, so cry no more.

It was my maternal grandma, who gave my mom this wonder-cure, when I developed this illness early 2000, when I just entered the higher institution. I caused this illness for myself, but I am not regretting it happened to me, for at least, I learned how to cure it now.

When I got this admission, I was too conscious of making a first class, so I red and red all night, burning every midnight candle, starving myself of food all day. And whenever mom calls to know how I was faring, I told her, no problem at all, just pray for me to make a first class. That was my usual statement and request from her.

Gradually, I developed ulcer, and it almost destroyed my life and academic career, truly, God wants me to live for a good purpose, I know. So I had my first crisis, and my parents were contacted to come and take me home for proper care, so they rushed down without any delay.

I was rushed to our family doctor, he gave all his prescription, according to his own knowledge and wisdom anyway, but the ulcer would only stop for a while and reoccurred again, and each time, very serious and hurtful.

Mom went to see her mother on a regular visit, and granny asked of me, because she normally did, I happened to be the last child of my parents, so she was so fond of me. Mom told her I was down, and was admitted at the hospital, she screamed and cried out, and as I learnt, she wanted to come over to the hospital to see me, but she couldn’t, because of her age.

She then inquired of the cause of my illness, mom told her ulcer, she almost fell from her usual relaxation bench, but mom caught her hand (all these, I was told by mom). At this time, granny had to tell my mom what to do as soon as she got home, and she strongly insisted that mom took me out of the hospital, very difficult task for mom, since dad believed more on the modern drugs. But then, I was dying inside me, as I ate through a straw.

The doctor became tired after prescribing all sorts of ulcer drugs he knew, but to no avail. So he advised my parents to take me home, that I would recover gradually, a deceitful consolation indeed. They had no option, they agreed and took me home.

So mom had to try granny’s wonder-cure using only some couple of unripe plantain and water. What did I just say now? I was cured of my stomach ulcer using only unripe plantain and water. Nothing else was added or removed.

How does it work?
Unripe plantain has a sticky gum, which is some how hard to remove if it gums on your hand, so our forefathers, recognized this gum content of an unripe plantain as having the power to cover up those wound or sore in your intestine, thereby silencing them forever. I did this further research, after my recovery.
How to prepare the medicine.

Get two or three fruits of an unripe plantain, peel out the bark and wash if you desire to do that.
Cut them in smaller pieces, may be 5 mm or so, just cut them in smaller portions, so as to aid its fermentation.

Now, get a 4 or 5-liter plastic container, with cover, and then wash it thoroughly and allow it to dry.
Fill the container with the already pieced unripe plantain.

Now fill the container with clean water, to at least it’s half or more, but don’t fill to the brim.
Cover the container tightly and Shake it together with its contents, and then store in a good place for fermentation to take place within two or three days.

After a period of two to three days, check your concussion, it is now ready for use. Don’t be afraid to take it or give it to someone you know, as none of the contents is poisonous as you can see for yourself.

How to take the concussion.
Before meals, take a glass (standard tumbler, around 30ml), twice or trice a day, depending on the urgency for cure. Take this for at least two or three weeks, and then go for a medical check up, or observe the effect in your body yourself. You will observe that your stomach ulcer has been cure completely, and never to come back as when cured using a modern medication.

This is not in any way intended to condemn modern science and its medical treatments, it is a way of improving self-therapy and the use of alternative medicines to cure people, especially, using natural herbs and roots. It is a solution I administered on myself when I had this illness, so I cannot completely promise that it must work for all who decided to try it, just have faith because faith is the mother of all healing in life.

And before you administer this remedy, please go for a medical test to be sure that your condition is truly gastric stomach ulcer or gastritis. Thank you.

Follow me @ngozikanwiro on Twitter, and like this blog on Facebook for instant updates.


  1. Thank you ma, I will try it.

  2. Good one, bookmarked for later use.

  3. God bless u for this,will tell my friend struggling with ulcer.

  4. I had been suffering from Unstable Angina of the heart for years..We have tried all we could to get the best of drugs and improve my condition on medics but my condition have not improved even after spending lots of money trying to give her the best..My illness has given me so much concern.. I was introduced to a psychic site by a spell caster where I read a testimony of a woman cured of subarachnoid hemorrhage permanently..I was baffled an interested in how she was cured and it was revealed that a spell caster helped her did a spell that cured her.. I contacted the spell caster and explained my case to him..he helped me did same spell and told me to take her for a test..we went for almost 5 checkups after the test and the medics all confirmed there is no traces of the virus in her system again..people that has been suffering from this illness can contact the spell caster on

  5. Thank you very much. Pls I want to know if the fermented plantain should be taken with the shaft or just the juice/water alone. Pls reply. My plantain is ready.

    1. Yes take it with the chaff. Alternatively, dry the plantain, blend it and then mix with natural honey and take in between meals, this also works even better.

  6. I have a chronic intestinal ulcer, multiple allergy, chronic indigestion, i'm also hypersensitive. My Doctor said my body is producing excess histemin. I have been on antihistemin drugs. I have decided try this un ripe plantain infusion I have prepared it, it will be ready in few days time. Thanks for this information.

  7. Please are we to leave it in d water n drink directly from It for two weeks or we should change it per time by making a new one.
    please it is urgent

    1. No, don't change the water, leave it and drink it together. Pls combine this remedy with natural cabbage juice for fast relief. Also avoid all the foods and activities that trigger more attacks. Reduce stress. Avoid smoking. Avoid crispy, spicy, minty foods and nuts. Yoghurt is good for you. I recently wrote an update of this article based on added knowledge gotten from patients who wrote to thank me and tell me additional things they did to treat their ulcer. Wish you quick healing

  8. Pls how do one preserve it after the 48/72 hrs fermentation,for later use within the 2-3 wks of treatment

  9. Hello, if some one have other medication or drugs for other sickness, can it be combine? Should stop taking those drugs?. Especially diabetic patients. Thanks waiting for your early reply

  10. Sorry but I need to know if a pregnant woman can also partake of this plantian water because I have ukcer abd pregnant too I need a quick reply pls????

  11. I want to know what this mixture would look and taste like after 3 days I've prepared this but afraid to try.pls. help I wanted to cure my ulcer naturally.

  12. I want to know what this mixture would look and taste like after 3 days because I'm trying it but afraid to.
