
Sunday, January 27, 2013

How Do You Know When You Have Found True Love?

True love they say, is hard to find, but once you find it, you have found joy, happiness, success, joy and peace of mind, so the question is- how can one tell if he or she has found true love?

A lot of people today are in a relationship, marriage, and romantic commitment, and yet, they can’t even tell for sure if they are with the right person or not because they are not certain if their partner loves them or not. In order words, this very write-up is written to help you discover when you have found true love and when it is just lust.

Remember, love is not something we can define in words, it is beyond literary and dictionary definitions. I am going to be as precise as possible with this to enable you grab the point as fast as possible, but be a little more patient and read on…

Let’s recall in the Bible where it was recorded of the love Christ has for the church, this love of Christ for the church wasn’t just in mere words or will I say a word of mouth love, it was backed with so much action which made Christ to give himself as a sacrifice to redeem the sinners who believe in Him. Why am I telling you the story of Christ’s love for the church? It is to let you understand what true love means- it means sacrifice, it means action, it means giving, I means forgiveness, it means accepting someone even in their shortcomings, it means being someone’s friend unconditionally.

But how many of those who claim to love one another today have unconditional love for those they claim to love? We claim we love, yet, we attach personal interest and gains to our love. We can’t continue loving our lovers the moment he stops giving us the huge amount of money he used to give us, we stop loving our lovers once she has an unforeseen accident and loses her pretty face or body shape, we stop loving our wives once she gives birth and loses her sexy shape, we stop loving our husbands once he falls back financially and unable to meet up with our financial needs, and we still claim that we have found true love?

When you find true love, you will certainly notice these:
1.       The man or woman will always be proud of you and he will always want to introduce you to the people that matters in his life- his parents, siblings, best friends, colleagues, religious group, ete, but if it is not true love, they will never be proud to let people see you with them, because they are only using you to while away their lonely moment while waiting for their dream man or woman.
2.       The man or woman will always be thinking of what do give to you, and how to bring value to your life and not just what you will give to him or her. Whenever you are dating or married to a woman who is only interested in what you will give to them, don’t be fooled, they don’t truly love you, their love for you is conditional- because you provide her financial needs, that’s why she is pretending to love you, so once your finance is down, the love is gone. Same goes with the men.

3.       When you find true love, you will know naturally if your basic instincts and conscience hasn’t been soiled.

4.       The man or woman will always stand by you, both in times of trials, tribulations and in times of good. Remember, some people that you think are truly in love with you, don’t even like to see you succeed in life, they want you to remain the way you are forever, they don’t truly love you, they might be obsessed with you. Also, some people that you think are in love with you, will never stand behind you when something bad happens to you- when you fall sick, they will fly away like bird, when you lose your job, they will take to their feet, when someone you love dies, they will never be there to comfort you, such people don’t love you, please be cautious of them.

5.       When someone tells you they love you, and yet, they don’t want to spend the rest of their life with you through the institution of marriage, please you don’t need a talisman to tell you that they don’t truly love you, they are only using you to pass time because whatever we humans treasure, we always love to keep them forever, away from enemies and armed robbers, same applies to when we love a fellow human being.

Don’t succumb to that lie of- ‘you know I love you, but we can’t be together, we can’t marry because we share some differences and issues that may work against our marriage if we marry,’ simply, he or she doesn’t truly love you, forget the cock and bull story and move on happily with your life before it is too late.

6.       When you find true love, they will always want to make you happy, they will go extra mile to put smile on your face, and they are ready to make sacrifices for your sake. But if it is not true love, he or she will always have excuses to give you for their inappropriate actions towards you.

7.       True love is faithful, it is trustful, and it assures security. A person that claims to love you truly, cannot go about cheating on you with other women or men. He or she will always respect your feelings and emotions, and even if he or she cheats, it only occurs by chance because we are humans, and not serial and continuous. A partner that cheats continuously is not truly in love with the other party.

8.       One thing people are yet to understand is the fact that true love brings success and prosperity. When you find true love, believe me, you will have more chances to excel in most things you do in life because you will be focused, relaxed, assured, and happy to pursue your life dreams.


  1. I am just inlove with your style of writing. You write in a fun-way, I am very convinced that you are a professional writer, pls keep it coming, I am enjoying your articles here. What a unique blog, something new everyday *winks*

  2. U ve spoken like a true writer dear..luv u nd keep it up

  3. Thanks, with love from me @sandra and Anony

  4. U've just answered a question I've been battling with... Kudos!
