Below are some of the things women
find extremely sexy in men.
V-Shaped Pelvic Muscle

I’m not entirely sure what this means
but I’ll bet anything Ryan Lochte has one.
A Little Scruff
We all know Brad Pitt looked great
when he was rocking the long hair/full beard thing, but that just doesn’t work
for the average schlub. You’re going to want to hit somewhere between a 90’s
Brad Pitt and a Now Christian Bale. Minus the debilitating rage.
A guy with good abs has a good core. By which I mean he’s good to the core. There’s never ever been a bad guy with abs. Just ask Putin or John Cena.
Knowing How to Cook/Grill
The hunter/gatherer type is a little old-fashioned. Today’s provider need to nothing more than type the letters B, B, and Q into the title bar of a new event on Facebook. Until grilled chicken stops being delicious, that’s fine by me.
You can tell a lot about a man by looking into his eyes. For instance: the colour of his eyes, or whether or not you find him sexy. I guess those are the main two things.
It’s something we suspected all along: being funny is the fastest and surest way to become a desirable man, which finally explains why comedians are so often the most romantically fulfilled people. It’s no surprise that laughter remains the world’s most powerful aphrodisiac, as it’s hard not to respect someone possessing the cognitive wherewithal to write comedy in all its forms: interesting blog posts, energetic stand-up, or snarky, obscure lists about sexiness. It’s definitely equal, and it’s now undeniably the sexiest.
Dimples are a dent in the skin of someone’s face, and in the emotional armor of someone trying not to fall in love with him. Don’t fight it. You’ve already lost
Good, strong shoulders are great because they’re needed to carry things like DIY supplies, groceries for a delicious home-cooked meal, and you, should you be feeling ill/sleepy.
Good lips can be used for any variety of things, all of them extremely sexy and attractive. Bad lips can and will only be used to verbally question your life decisions, so steer clear.

Guy’s butts don’t come under nearly as much scrutiny as those of their female counterparts. If this list is anything to go by (which, and I cannot stress this enough, it is) then that’s because they simply aren’t as good. Step it up, dudes.
What Men Find Extremely Sexy In Women

LaughA good laugh is like music to the ears. In lieu of humans evolving to laugh actual music, this will do fine.
Really Smooth Skin
Sometimes you come across skin that’s so soft and smooth, you imagine someone must have come along at some point and just taken sandpaper to it for hours and hours. It’s really hot, unlike that image.
Biting Their Lips
Lip-biting is pretty much the universal symbol for “something sexy is about to happen”, until we come up with an actual universal symbol. How about, like, a circle with three lines running through it and a winking eye? I guess that would just looked like a closed eye unless we added a second open one… Let’s just stick with lip-biting while I work this out.
Yoga Pants
Yoga pants perform double duty in both indicating a girl that does yoga and that said girl has a rockin’ bod. Thanks, yoga pants. Thanks so much.
That Place Where the Tramp Stamp Would Be (minus the tramp stamp)
Sorry, there wasn’t enough room to just write “Lower Back”
Sexy Underwear

It’s a real turn on to put an effort into looking good, even if only one other person will ever know. Unless you’re at one of those SUPER fun parties.
Swooping in for the bronze (remember the Olympics?!) is eyes. Eyes come in many shapes, sizes, and colours. They’re like the doughnuts of physical attributes, and make the top 3 on that merit alone. Everyone likes doughnuts. Just about as much as they like airtight analogies. Which is a lot.
The fact butts can be so very, very gross is a testament to their insistent sexiness. Thanks for never giving up, butts.
Since forever, mankind has debated the advantages and disadvantages to every variety of boob and every single point on the vast, sprawling boob spectrum. It’s a frustrating and endless argument. Having them isn’t so great either. They get in the way, they require armor, and one swift knock to them is enough to ruin your life for several hours. Despite all this, they’re the best of the best when it comes to being sexy.
Good news for everyone who’s just been sitting and waiting for their vision impairment to pay off: this is your time.
Long Hair
Forget to schedule a hair appointment this month? Good. Long hair’s sexy. The longer the sexier, so don’t even THINK of ever getting your hair cut again. Longer. Longer, I say!
A good set of lips indicates great kissing ability, and that’s sexy. It also indicates that you’re not a snake or anything, which, again, is a plus.
A Subtle Foreign Accent (only if authentic)
Being from somewhere far away is hot, because it means you’re different and mysterious and probably haven’t heard many lame pick-up lines yet.
Being Flexible
Flexibility: a sexy turn on in terms of physicality, but I also like to think this includes being open to MY suggestion of which movie to see tonight. Ruby Sparks looks good! Let’s try it!
© 2012 Ngozika Nwiro. All rights reserved.
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