Thursday, October 25, 2012

Why You Are Not Yet Married As A Single Lady

I want to tell you that the reason you are not yet married isn’t just because you are not beautiful, attractive, sexy or what have you, but it is because you have not found the one. And why haven’t you found the one? Its simply because I am about to explain it in this very article, so don’t go yet, hang on for some minutes and read on.

During the course of my personal career, I have had the opportunity of interacting with so many ladies from different background and social status, and I must tell you that majority of the single ones happened to be the prettiest and sometimes elegant, when analyzing them from their physical appearance. But unfortunately, when you interact with them and possibly get closer to them, you will discover something scary, and those scary things are part of what I am about to discuss in this article.

I have also come to realize that too much of education and modern exposure, affect majority of ladies negatively, please don’t scream yet, hang on. Now, how do I mean? Have you discovered that when a lady is so much educated, she sees men as nothing? And yet she desires to marry a man. Now, let me ask, is it possible for anyone to acquire nothing? Nothing is simply nothing, and therefore, it is impossible to acquire nothing. This is also applicable to financial empowerment and exposure. If you also observe, when a lady is so much financially empowered, she tends to disregard men around her, and these men are the likely people she ought to marry, so how possible will she attract their attention with that snobbish attitude towards men?

Please don’t get me wrong here, I am not trying to say that it is wrong for a lady to be educated or financially empowered, but I am only here to enlighten you on some of the reasons why majority of ladies are still single without a committed suitor.

It is very painful to accept the hard truth that men are like employers of labor, while women are like the employees when it comes to marriage proposal. It is only in few cultures that it is practicable for a woman to propose and marry a man, but majorly, it is the man that proposes and marries a woman, and for this reason, the man is the employer while the woman is the employee.

With the above description, I want to let you know that if you truly desire to find yourself a deserving husband, then you must put yourself in this scenario of employer-employee. If you have accepted the above scenario, I want to further advice you to put yourself in the position of an employer, that’s the best way to get hired or say, to pass a job interview- put yourself in the employer’s position. Putting yourself in the employer’s position means you looking at what an employer requires from a potential employee. If you are an employer, would you hire an applicant with this and that skills? What skills will you look out for before hiring an applicant? Those things you would consider before hiring an applicant are the things you should equip yourself with as an applicant.

Now, as a lady, put yourself in the man’s shoe- would you propose marriage to a woman that has no regard and respect for men in the name of gender-equality and modern civilization? Would you as a man marry a woman who contributes virtually nothing to your life aside sex? Would you propose marriage to a woman that nags from morning to night with no justifiable reason? Would you propose marriage to a woman that controls your life, your movement, your emotion, your decision and virtually everything about your life? Would you as a man propose marriage to a woman that comes back cursing and abusing you after maybe borrowing you money or contributing to the family’s welfare? Would you propose marriage to a woman who is out to separate you and your loved ones, and is prepared to disbranch you from every of your friends just to be with her alone? Would you as a man propose marriage to a woman that hardly takes advice or instruction from you maybe because she earns higher than you or because she comes from a more financially buoyant family than you? These are some of the things you need to do away with as a single lady searching for love.

Men are sensitive, they sense these traits in you even when you don’t know, and the ones they fail to observe, their male friends would definitely alert him; men are fond of assessing their friend’s lover, you can’t change that.

I sometimes hear some single ladies complain that all the good men have been taken, how and when? There are as many good men out there as there are good women too. Because you haven’t found your match, doesn’t necessarily mean there’s no match for you.

Again, you need to lower your expectations and make yourself more visible and approachable by men, it won’t cost you much besides humility and friendliness. You can’t be searching as a lady and go about abusing every man around you, including those you don’t know. It doesn’t matter if they are below or above you, you definitely need to humble yourself and respect all men, maybe your husband may come from referral through one of those men you had been looking down at, you just never can tell. That is why you need to maintain good rapport with majority of men around you, and not just men, but women too.

In summary, you are not yet married or seriously engaged because:

1.      You scare men
2.      You are not approachable
3.      You haven’t made yourself visible
4.      You are still living in your past
5.      You disregard men
6.      You see men as nothing while desiring to marry one
7.      You are not friendly to people around you; it scares men away from you
8.      You are too pompous
9.      You don’t treat yourself with respect
10.  You have ill-manner and character that isn’t good for marriage

Please do keep an eye on more updates on this very topic coming very soon. Wishing you good luck in your relationship endeavor. Cheers.

© 2012 Ngozika Nwiro. All rights reserved.

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