Monday, December 31, 2012

We Made It To The End of 2012, CONGRATS!

2012 has not been easy, from suicide bombings, suicide shootings, to national riots, flood attacks, and even rebel uprising in some parts of the world, economic melt down in Europe, and in other parts of the world, and massive deaths of both ordinary and celebrity persons, so it is not easy to be amongst the lucky people witnessing the last day in the year 2012, a leap year?

I want to sincerely congratulate all of us who are alive and witnessing today, 31 December 2012, and I am also using this opportunity to pray to God Almighty to grant us the grace to advance gloriously into 2013, a year of dream manifestations and unprecedented blessings. In all, drive safely this last minute, don't drink while driving, and don't drive if you're drunk...put on your seat belt at all time, smoke less or don't smoke at all...and lastly, play safe if you cannot abstain from sex, remember, HIV is real! Congratulations once again survive mates!

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